Upcoming Events

What's coming up at Park Cities

Park Cities has something for everyone. Take a look at our upcoming events and join us! We're looking forward to seeing you!


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Cornerstone Thanksgiving Day Serve

Cornerstone Kitchen 2815 S. Ervay, Bldg B, Dallas, United States

We'll be partnering with Cornerstone Kitchen on Thanksgiving Day to serve meals to over 1,200 neighbors in the Fair Park community. You and your family are invited to come and take part! Shifts are listed below. Registration is required. Cornerstone Serving Shifts: 8:00 – 10 a.m.:  Volunteers for Setup, Meal Prep, and Meal Assembly 9:30… Continue Reading

Coat and Blanket Drive

Park Cities Baptist Church 3933 Northwest Parkway, Dallas, TX, United States

Benefiting Vickery Herrera Center and Baptist Student Ministries at UT-Rio Grande Valley Please donate new and gently used coats and blankets to provide to our Vickery and South Texas ministry partners for the winter months. Bins are provided around the church for drop off. If you wish to purchase and ship items directly to UTRGV,… Continue Reading

Celebration of Remembrance

Park Cities Baptist Church 3933 Northwest Parkway, Dallas, TX, United States

Please join us if you are facing the holidays after the loss of a loved one. We will come together to remember and honor those who are no longer with us and be comforted by the hope we have in Christ. It will be a meaningful time of worship, followed by a reception and photo… Continue Reading

The Men of Nehemiah in Concert

Park Cities Baptist Church 3933 Northwest Parkway, Dallas, TX, United States

Join the PCBC family as we kickoff Advent with the Men of Nehemiah in Concert! This amazing chorus of men will share songs of the season along with their testimonies, and lead us in an unforgettable time of Christmas worship. Location: Sanctuary About The Men of Nehemiah Men of Nehemiah is a Christian organization that… Continue Reading