Upcoming Events

What's coming up at Park Cities

Park Cities has something for everyone. Take a look at our upcoming events and join us! We're looking forward to seeing you!


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Event Series Fall Grow

Handbells – Sanctuary Handbell Ensemble

Park Cities Baptist Church 3933 Northwest Parkway, Dallas, TX, United States

Beginner and experienced adult groups meet weekly. Perform in worship services and give offsite local concerts. SPRING DATES: January 6 - May 19 LOCATION: Choral Hall, 2nd floor Collins TEACHER: Beverly Golden

Event Series Spring Grow

Holy Yoga

Park Cities Baptist Church 3933 Northwest Parkway, Dallas, TX, United States

A class that is light impact with stretching and exercises, where we focus our time on deep breathing and bringing glory to God. DATES: Mondays, February 3 - April 7 LOCATION: The Pit TEACHER: Susan Ervien COST: $95 per 10 weeks <p data-pm-slice="1 1 The mission of PCBC Sports & Recreation is to connect with others and… Continue Reading


Upward Basketball and Cheerleading

Park Cities Baptist Church 3933 Northwest Parkway, Dallas, TX, United States

Upward Basketball and Cheerleading is for children in Kindergarten to 6th grade to learn the basics of basketball and cheerleading. We play games for eight weeks as we learn more about sportsmanship and the love of Christ – and make new friends each week! Games: Monday-Thursday, Saturday-Sunday Location: Gym

Event Series Sports

Joint Effort Exercise Class

Park Cities Baptist Church 3933 Northwest Parkway, Dallas, TX, United States

An ongoing exercise class for adults of any age that provides exercises for flexibility, strengthening, balance, and much more! All equipment is provided such as weights, tubes, etc.


Women’s Connect Luncheon With Kathy Rogers

Park Cities Baptist Church 3933 Northwest Parkway, Dallas, TX, United States

Join us for the first Women's Connect Luncheon of the new year! PCBC member Kathy Rogers will be our speaker, offering heartfelt hope and encouragement with her message, "Can You Really Trust God?" How do you hold on to God when every part of you wants to let go? Can you trust he really IS… Continue Reading

Event Series Mahjong Class

Mahjong Class

Park Cities Baptist Church 3933 Northwest Parkway, Dallas, TX, United States

Whether you are new to Mahjong or need some brushing up, this is the class for you! Mahjong Class #1: January 28 - March 4 Mahjong Class #2: April 8 - May 13 Location: Activities Building, Activities Parlor (2nd floor, above the gym) Instructor: Maggie Mercer Nix Questions? Contact Laurie at lstharp@pcbc.org. <p data-pm-slice="1 1… Continue Reading


Upward Basketball and Cheerleading

Park Cities Baptist Church 3933 Northwest Parkway, Dallas, TX, United States

Upward Basketball and Cheerleading is for children in Kindergarten to 6th grade to learn the basics of basketball and cheerleading. We play games for eight weeks as we learn more about sportsmanship and the love of Christ – and make new friends each week! Games: Monday-Thursday, Saturday-Sunday Location: Gym

Event Series Fall Grow

Café Koinonia

Park Cities Baptist Church 3933 Northwest Parkway, Dallas, TX, United States

Join us each week for lunch and a Bible study that will enrich and encourage your heart. Stephen Carrell leads us in song and worship as well. Come join us! LOCATION: Fellowship Hall TEACHER: Various teachers and Stephen Carrell COST: $10, credit cards accepted at the door

Event Series Support Group

Grief Share

Park Cities Baptist Church 3933 Northwest Parkway, Dallas, TX, United States

Grief Share is a seminar and support group for anyone who is grieving the loss of someone close. Each week, participants will view and discuss videos containing biblical teaching on grief and recovery topics. DATES: February 5 - May 7 LOCATION: Reed 102 TEACHER: Dr. Jack Martin COST: $20 workbook may be purchased in class CHILDCARE: No

Event Series Spring Grow

Wednesday Grow Dinner

Park Cities Baptist Church 3933 Northwest Parkway, Dallas, TX, United States

You're invited to bring your family to the Commons for dinner and conversation with friends before heading to GROW activities and studies.

$7 – $10
Event Series Fall Grow

First Time Moms

Park Cities Baptist Church 3933 Northwest Parkway, Dallas, TX, United States

A place for new moms and babies to gather, share, and support each other during the busy days of caring for an infant. Each week we'll discuss a different topic on a "mom-to-mom" level to be vulnerable, find encouragement, and experience God's love. DATES: January 8 - April 16 LOCATION: P108 TEACHER: Lisetta Layer CHILDCARE AVAILABLE: Yes… Continue Reading

Event Series Fall Grow

Grow Kids Jr.

Park Cities Baptist Church 3933 Northwest Parkway, Dallas, TX, United States

PRESCHOOL MUSIC: 2-year-olds (with adult) through 5-year-olds gather each week to sing, play, and move to worship songs, hymns, and developmentally appropriate musical activities that teach our youngest how to worship Jesus through music! AWANA: Awana teaches kids to treasure God’s Word in their hearts through fun activities. For children ages 3 (by 9/1/2024) through 5… Continue Reading