Upcoming Events

What's coming up at Park Cities

Park Cities has something for everyone. Take a look at our upcoming events and join us! We're looking forward to seeing you!


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Event Series Women

The MomCo

Park Cities Baptist Church 3933 Northwest Parkway, Dallas, TX, United States

The MomCo (formerly MOPS) is a place where busy moms can gather in community to encourage each other in prayer and push each other toward Christ as we teach our… Continue Reading

Event Series Fall Grow

Handbells – Carillon (beginner)

Park Cities Baptist Church 3933 Northwest Parkway, Dallas, TX, United States

Beginner and experienced adult groups meet weekly. Perform in worship services and give offsite local concerts. DATES: January 6 - May 19 LOCATION: Choral Hall, 2nd floor Collins TEACHER: Beverly Golden

Event Series Sports

Adult Basketball

Park Cities Baptist Church 3933 Northwest Parkway, Dallas, TX, United States

Men’s and women’s teams compete in games and tournaments throughout the spring. DATES: Week of March 31 - week of May 19 LOCATION: Gym TEACHER: Rebekah Mompremier The mission of PCBC Sports &… Continue Reading

Event Series Mahjong Class

Mahjong Class

Park Cities Baptist Church 3933 Northwest Parkway, Dallas, TX, United States

Whether you are new to Mahjong or need some brushing up, this is the class for you! Mahjong Class #1: January 28 - February 25 Mahjong Class #2: April 8… Continue Reading

Event Series Support Group

Grief Share

Park Cities Baptist Church 3933 Northwest Parkway, Dallas, TX, United States

Grief Share is a seminar and support group for anyone who is grieving the loss of someone close. Each week, participants will view and discuss videos containing biblical teaching on… Continue Reading


Aging as an Adventure! with Missy Buchanan

Park Cities Baptist Church 3933 Northwest Parkway, Dallas, TX, United States

What might happen if you changed your perspective on aging - from aging as an enemy and something to be dreaded to aging as a great adventure? As long as… Continue Reading

Sanctuary Choir Rehearsal

Park Cities Baptist Church 3933 Northwest Parkway, Dallas, TX, United States

Adult choir rehearsal for leading worship in the Sanctuary each Sunday – all are welcome! No auditions necessary! SPRING DATES: January 8 - June 25 LOCATION: Choral Hall, 2nd floor Collins… Continue Reading