The PCBC staff and family are committed to coming alongside each other in all seasons and circumstances, in joy and in suffering.
Here you’ll find ways for our staff to serve you through prayer, counseling, hospital visits, in-home ministry, and more.
For more information on any of these resources, or other needs that you would like to share, please reach out to us at
Are you grieving?
For those who have experienced the death of a loved one.
Everyone’s grief is unique, and everyone will grieve at his/her own pace. But many of the issues related to grief are common to all. To begin the healing process, we offer a 13-week grief recovery group using the GriefShare material, put together by Church Initiative. The group meetings last two hours and are composed of a video presentation and a group discussion time, and a workbook is also available to provide additional help. These resources give excellent practical advice and guidance from experts in grief recovery and from those who have experienced deep loss themselves. We understand that the grief process is difficult to face alone; it is helpful to walk through it with others who understand what you are going through. Our GriefShare groups have helped many over the years, and we invite you to come and be a part of our next group.
Contact: Dr. Jack Martin
Need counseling?
PCBC partners with The Center for Integrative Counseling and Psychology to come alongside anyone who needs guidance through seasons of crisis and challenges. The Center provides counselors on the PCBC campus five days a week for your convenience. Services are for private pay. Medicare is also accepted.
Contact: Visit The Center to learn more or schedule an appointment.
Know someone in the hospital?
If you know of someone who is in the hospital or who is going into the hospital (or rehab), we want to minister to that person and his/her family. If you have consent to let us know about the hospitalization, please contact us. We can add that person to a prayer list or hospital list, and one of our ministers or deacons will be glad to make a personal visit.
Contact: Dr. Jack Martin
Divorce or going through a divorce?
For those who are going through a divorce or who have experienced a divorce.
If you are divorced or are going through a divorce, you are facing one of the most difficult events in a person’s life. It can be overwhelming emotionally, financially, and socially, and it can impact not only you, but also your children and family. In order to provide help for those who are going through such a devastating time, we offer a 13-week divorce recovery group using the DivorceCare material, put together by Church Initiative. The group meetings last two hours and are composed of a video presentation and a group discussion time, and a workbook is also available to provide additional help. These resources give excellent practical advice and guidance from experts in divorce recovery and from those who have gone through the painful experience of divorce themselves. Healing can begin as you come and work through the pain with others who understand what you are going through. We invite you to come and be a part of our next group.
Contact: Dr. Jack Martin
Ministry to those no longer able to attend church
We have a large population of members who are no longer able to attend church, and yet, they are still part of our fellowship. To ensure that these In-Home Members know that they are still a vital part of PCBC, many of our active members reach out to them by making ministry calls, sending cards, delivering flowers, and making personal visits. If you know of someone who is no longer able to attend or if you would like to be a part of this outreach to these fellow members, please let us know.
Contact: Debra Rountree
There are times when we all need prayer, and we are here to pray with you and for you. Our prayer teams receive requests 24/7 and are continually interceding for needs. We invite anyone to share a request and we want you to know that someone begins praying the minute a request is received.
Contact: Barbara Loest
Planning a memorial service
At the time of a death, many people don’t know what to do. We are here to help guide you through the process. If needed, we can provide information about options regarding funeral homes, cemeteries, burials and cremations, and other general information. We can also help you and your family schedule services at the church, plan and provide a program, involve musicians and ministers, and make all the arrangements for a beautiful and worshipful service.
Contact: Valerie Bergstrom
Benevolence Ministry
To contact the Benevolence Ministry, please call 214.860.1545.
Request Pastoral Care
For information on any of these resources, or other needs that you would like to share, please reach out to us at
Pastoral Care Staff

Dr. Jack Martin
Minister of Pastoral Care
Barbara Loest
Prayer / 55+ Associate